Tuesday 24 March 2009

Butter Caramel Almonds

A easy, quick, tasty cracker with crunchy caramel skin.
牛油焦糖杏仁  (點解禁似花生? 佢唔係花生黎架喎)
我老公係禁食, 係禁食。當我食埋一份的時候, 佢話: 喂, 你唔驚生粒粒咩 (in english).
I said: So what!!! (\ ___ /)""

Almonds 100g
sugar 35g
water 15g
butter 10g (since I like butter, therefore I put a bit more here)

1. Bake the almonds for a while first;
2. Boil water and sugar with light fire until big bubbles appear;
3. Mix it well, the sugar will be crystallized afterward;
4. Continuously mix it until the sugar turns into golden color;
5. Switch off the heater and mix it with butter;
6. Divide the almonds and make them being separated from each other.

Recipe from 大少奶.


  1. 曬命 !!! 曬命 Blog !!! ~~~~~C奶 !!! 肥C奶 !!!
    ps. 我都想去 Richmond Park...........

  2. 我都覺得自己愈來愈肥呀kenneth :( sad.
    你下次黎同你去丫~ 個度仲有好多羊tim架
