Wednesday 14 October 2009

Oreo Ice cream

Oreo Ice cream (Cookie & cream)

在10C 的英國吃雪糕 :)
啟動了新雪糕機~ 制作了這個Oreo 雪糕~
原來用雪糕匙"筆"出一個圓形的雪糕球 真的很不容易
怎麼也弄不圓 算了..
這個超好味! 也是超級的肥 (Oh)
順帶一提, 這個碗是我老公的手作哦 :)

Oreo Cookies 8 pieces
Vanilla pod 1/2 piece
Milk 240ml
Egg yolk 4 pieces
Sugar 80g
Whipping Cream 300ml

1) Cut Vanilla pod in to half, take out the seeds. Warm up the milk with Vanilla seeds in a pan. (Please do not boil it, the heater could be turned of when the milk reach 70C )
2) Whip the sugar with Egg yolks till the texture become thick & light white color.
3) Put 1) into 2) gradually, mix it slowly in the same time.
4) Heat up 3) with a weak temperature, mix it slowly till the texture become slightly thicker.
5) Sieve 4) and cool it down. After it's totally cool down, store it into fridge for 3 hours. Add in whipping cream and mix it well after took out for the fridge.
6) Blend the cookies with blending machine, prepare for use.
7) Put 5) into ice cream machine, mix for 20 mins.
8) Put the blender cookies into ice cream machine too, mix for another 2 mins with the ice cream.
9) Store 8) into freezer 4 hours for a harder texture. :)

下星期三會在香港了, 還是31C的香港
大蒸籠可不可以把我的肥膏也蒸走 :P

Thursday 8 October 2009

One Year Marriage Anniversary + Strawberry Cheese Cake

一年了 :)
花了兩天時間, 做了一個有5層layers的strawberry Cheese Cake.
雖然買了兩大盒草莓, 可是最後還是不夠用 (~__~)"
Layer 1: Strawberry Jelly
Layer 2: Cream Cheese Mousse
Layer 3: Strawberry Mousse
Layer 4: Chopped Strawberries with jam
Layer 5: Sponge Cake
收到了想要很久的雪糕機 跟花束! (happy)
原來每天在他耳邊唸唸唸 "好想要雪糕機好想要雪糕機", 果然就會收到~ 哈哈
下次我要唸"好想要大粒鑽石 好想要大粒鑽石"~ 哈哈哈 :P
雪糕機這個星期就要立即開動了~ 急不及待了!

約定了 在第十年的時候 :)