Sunday 27 September 2009

Abbey Road

Abbey Road
Visited Abbey Road on Saturday. I took some photos as the cover of Abbey road album did~haha~ (There was quite lots of cars passing by though (!)) Dangerous!

The Beatles forever ❤

Tuesday 22 September 2009

能跟你渡一生的 是那位 會說你不化妝 仍是最美的人

Thursday 17 September 2009

Apple Pasty

他同事家裡種了新鮮的蘋果, 拿了兩個回家, 對我說: "我想吃蘋果批"
我說: "兩個不夠做蘋果批哦"
隔天, 他拿了十幾個蘋果回家.. 噢.. 沒有不做的藉口了
好啦~ 那做蘋果酥吧
特意留起了一個, 待他明天拿回公司回贈送蘋果的同事 :)

英國最近天氣突然轉冷了, 穿起外套還是會覺得冷
滿街都是樹上掉落的栗子, 松鼠拼命的撿
這是 第一年在英國過的秋天

Thursday 10 September 2009

Baked Japanese Cheese Cake

Baked Japanese Cheese Cake.

Cream cheese 150g
Whipping cream 90g
Sugar 18g
Unsalted butter 30g
Flour 22g
Cornstarch 15g
Egg yolk 3 pieces

Egg white 3 pieces
Sugar 33g
Cream of tartar 1/2 teaspoon

1. Whip the cream cheese with sugar till smooth. Then, add in the egg yolks, whip continuously until it's mixed well.
2. Add whipping cream into (1). *please mix (1) & add the whipping cream in in the same time, slowly)
3. Melt the butter, mix it into (2).
4. Sieve the Flour and cornstarch into (3). Fold gently until it's mixed well.

1. Whip the egg white continuously until big bubbles appear.
2. Add in Cream of Tartar, 1/3 of the sugar, whip continuously.
3. Add in the rest of sugar, whip until the texture become firm and white.

4. Add B into A, fold gently until it's mixed well. Put the mixed materials into a 8 inch mold, we are about to bake it.
5. Prepare a tray with 2cm height hot water, put the mold into it. (This is a half steam & bake method)
6. Bake with 170C, 40mins. :)

I ordered some clothing stuffs from US, which costs 40GBP. After my parcel reached UK, royal mail contacted me and I need to paid 13.11GBP for the Custom fees!!!! Omg, so expensive!!!! I found out there's a 8GBP for "royal mail international handling fee"... I paid it, and requested a delivery to my home. I have waited for one week, nothing being delivered. Finally, I went to the delivery office and pick it up by my own. (=___=)"... I am not going to order things from US to UK anymore. (sigh)

Monday 7 September 2009

忘了 忘了

沒有接觸illustrator 已經有一年
發現 要再開始 原來真的很吃力
花上三年的時間來學 不消一年 是的 很多都忘了
丟去容易 尋回 卻很難
不行了勒 我要退休了

那是因為跟illustrator的搏鬥 還是沒完沒了..

(嗯嗯 又再給自己買物的藉口)
下星期要去買babyliss的32mm捲髮棒!! :)