Tuesday 31 March 2009

Funkey Hula

最近日本跟英國流行一個叫funkey hula的呼拉圈,
那是韓國人的玩意, 據說可以有較地減到腰跟patpat位置。
我這個不做運動卻又常吃甜點的人, 買了來試 :P
不過反正都要買, 就買好一點! 哈哈
其實老公也支持我買的  也許他也看不下去了(=___=)"


Baileys Cheese Cake

My husband requests to have Baileys Cheese Cake several weeks ago,
however, I was being lazy butt and totally forgot it :P
Last night, we have finished half of it already :)

I took the picture at night time.. the lighting wasn't enough probably,
The picture looks kind of disgusting :(

The bottom layer is Digestive biscuits with melted butter.
Second is Baileys mousse with cream cheese.
Third is Cocoa powder with Chocolate decorations. 

Recipe here 

Hampton Court Palace

Spring has come to London :)
Royal garden has pretty sakura and trees with special shapes. 

Sunday 29 March 2009

Pineapple chicken fired rice

跟菠蘿戰鬥了二十分中, 才成功將它掏空。
用了九牛二虎之力開菠蘿, 怕且短期內不會再煮這個。
內裡有菠蘿, 雞粒, 蝦仁 跟少許果仁的蛋炒飯。
酸酸甜甜酸酸甜甜 :)

Thursday 26 March 2009

Raspberry Tart

Raspberry tart with chocolate base and almond cream.
When I was in Hong Kong, I love to eat the strawberry tart from MAXIMS.
I think fruits with chocolates and custard cream are a great combination.
Next time, I will make a version with other kind of berries :) 


40g Icing sugar
100g Butter
1 spoon of milk
1.5g salt
170g flour

Almond Cream
200g Icing sugar
200g Butter
20g Corn Starch
200g Almond powder
80g egg
Rum (optional)

Some Melted chocolates & raspberries


1. Blend the butter and icing sugar well;
2. Add in the milk and mix it;
3. Add in the flour and salt which is sieved, and mix it;
4. Place the crust into the mold, prick some holes with a fork on it;
5. Bake at 180C for 15~20 mins;
6. Cool it down.

1. Chop the chocolate into small pieces and melt it.
2. Place the melted chocolate into the baked crust, refrigerate it for 30 mins.

Almond Cream
1. Mix the soften butter and icing sugar well;
2. Add in the almond powder;
3. Add in the corn starch, mix it until it becomes sandy mass;
4. Add in the eggs and mix it well;
5. Add in Rum, mix it, and refrigerate it for 15 mins.

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Apple Crumble Tarts

I am not a big fan of apple pie/ products.  
The reason of making this, is just because of apples are recently on sale in supermarket. 
1 pound for 4 apples, but NOT SWEET AT ALL.  I am not going to buy that anymore :( 

( )


Tuesday 24 March 2009

Butter Caramel Almonds

A easy, quick, tasty cracker with crunchy caramel skin.
牛油焦糖杏仁  (點解禁似花生? 佢唔係花生黎架喎)
我老公係禁食, 係禁食。當我食埋一份的時候, 佢話: 喂, 你唔驚生粒粒咩 (in english).
I said: So what!!! (\ ___ /)""

Almonds 100g
sugar 35g
water 15g
butter 10g (since I like butter, therefore I put a bit more here)

1. Bake the almonds for a while first;
2. Boil water and sugar with light fire until big bubbles appear;
3. Mix it well, the sugar will be crystallized afterward;
4. Continuously mix it until the sugar turns into golden color;
5. Switch off the heater and mix it with butter;
6. Divide the almonds and make them being separated from each other.

Recipe from 大少奶.

ipsa Concealer

網上買的遮睱膏終於收到了! 還有sample送呢 :)
用了ipsa的 Concealer已經第4年了; 
用過很多不同的concealer, 始終都是她的最好。已經介紹了給很多好朋友。
用這個來遮小雀斑, 暗蒼印, 墨等等, 可以cover得很好。
因為她有三色的組合,  可以混和至適合自己的膚色。 
只要調色準確, 就不會出現面上一塊塊色塊情況了。
唯獨是黑眼圈的話, 會比較乾, 要另外再搽別的。

因為英國沒有ipsa counter, 她重要得 即使越洋也要寄過來!! 

Monday 23 March 2009

Palmiers 蝴蝶酥

來了london以後, 基本上每星期都會造+吃甜點, 
最近在找哪裡有呼拉圈買, 現在開始自救也許都不太遲 :P

1. Prepare the pastry skin, sprinkle sugar on both sides of it;
2. Roll from both side until they meet the centre point;
3. Wrap it with Clipping film and store it in refrigerate for 3 hours;
4. Cut it into pieces, then sprinkle sugar on both sides of it again,
5. Bake at 190C until it becomes golden color, turn it over and bake it for a while :)

* if you are lazy to make pastry skin, you could buy a "ready to use puff pastry" in supermarket.

Friday 20 March 2009

Mango mascarpone mousse cake

The top layer is Mango Jelly, 
second is Mango mascarpone mousse, 
third is mango milk pudding, 
fourth is honey almond sponge cake.

I was trying to make a rose like decoration with mango,
however, it wasn't successful.  It's not easy as I thought :(

Recipe from TONY WONG- 五星級蛋糕甜品4, 小阮子, and my own modifications.

Netrogena Wave

最近看網上有幾個blog都有推介這個 Netrogena Wave, 之前都不已為意,
但今天經過high street, 見到這個做promotion!! 13磅減至8磅幾!
(啪) 不用想就即時買了!! (哈哈, 女人錢真易賺)

1) 原來無廣告介紹的那麼多泡
2) 個cleanser 有少少涼涼地, 幾香
3) 塊面真係滑左!!! 
4) 推介大家都買!!


Material Left

因為有淨餘物資, 就做了這個自創火燄雪山。
裡面有蜜糖杏仁蛋糕+吉士醬, 外層有意大利馬令+杏仁塊。
口感像烘培過的綿花糖, 好好味 :)

Thursday 19 March 2009

Richmond Park

Richmond Park
在倫敦郊區, 即使見到鹿 馬 松鼠 羊 牛 狐狸, 一點都不驚奇。 
因為真的 "周街都係"。

Custard Cream Puff

心血來潮想吃bread papa puff, 只好自己動手做了 :)